so it took no time to figure it out and created the function trigger, but there should be a better way somewhere, but for now we still using inherit tables instead of actual file partitions.
replace FUNCTION weeklypartition_insert()
returns TRIGGER language 'plpgsql' cost 100 volatile NOT leakproof AS $body$
DECLARE _partition_year VARCHAR(25);_partition varchar(80);_IsNewChild boolean;_current_week varchar(4);_tablename varchar(80);_currentdate timestamp ;BEGIN
_currentdate := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
-- get current week
_current_week := date_part('week',new.insertdate)::text; ----- Week of the year (1-52)
-- get YYYY_MM format
_partition_year := to_char (new.insertdate,'YYYY')||'_'||date_part('week',new.insertdate);
_partition := tg_table_name || '_' || _partition_year;
_tablename := _partition;
FROM pg_tables
WHERE schemaname= tg_table_schema
AND tablename= _partition) THEN
raise notice 'A partition has been created %',tg_table_schema ||'.'|| _partition;
_isnewchild = true;
execute 'create table '|| tg_table_schema ||'.'|| _partition || ' (check( to_char (insertdate,''YYYY'||'_'|| _current_week||''') = '''|| to_char (new.insertdate,'YYYY')||'_'|| _current_week||''')) INHERITS ( ParentTableName);';
endIF;EXECUTE 'insert into '|| tg_table_schema || '.' || _partition || ' SELECT(' || tg_table_schema || '.' || tg_table_name || ' ' || quote_literal(new) || ').* RETURNING PrimaryKeyId;';IF (_isnewchild) then
-- Add primary key
EXECUTE format
('ALTER TABLE '||tg_table_schema||'.%s ADD PRIMARY KEY(PrimaryKeyId)', _partition);
-- Add indexesEXECUTE format
('CREATE INDEX ix_%s_PrimarykeyID ON '||tg_table_schema||'.%s USING btree ("SequenceID")', _tablename, _tablename);EXECUTE format
('CREATE INDEX ix_%s_Insertdate ON '||tg_table_schema||'.%s USING btree ("insertdate")', _tablename, _tablename);ENDIF;RETURN NULL;END;$BODY$;ALTER FUNCTION weeklypartition_insert() owner TO db_owner;
grant EXECUTE ON FUNCTION weeklypartition_insert() TO db_datawriter;
grant EXECUTE ON FUNCTION weeklypartition_insert() TO PUBLIC;
grant EXECUTE ON FUNCTION weeklypartition_insert() TO db_executor;
grant EXECUTE ON FUNCTION weeklypartition_insert() TO db_owner;
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