September 27, 2013

Conversion of Decimal to Comp-3

Sometimes you find something on the internet that you want to shared Norm Radder submitted some great code which I have modify and used to create a new SSIS Workflow Component that convert numeric values into comp-3. So credit to him for the below code. Also I have loss focus in the continuation of the previous post so I better start to get busy.

//PackedDecimal conversions 
public class PackedDecimal { 
   // Define constants for conversion process 
   final static int PlusSign = 0x0C;       // Plus sign 
   final static int MinusSign = 0x0D;      // Minus sign 
   final static int NoSign = 0x0F;         // Unsigned 
   final static int DropHO = 0xFF;         // AND mask to drop HO sign bits 
   final static int GetLONibble  = 0x0F;   // Get only LO digit 
   // Convert byte[] of packed decimal to long 
public static long parse(byte[] pdIn) throws Exception { 
long val = 0;                    // Value to return  
      for(int i=0; i < pdIn.length; i++) { 
         int aByte = pdIn[i] & DropHO; // Get next 2 digits & drop sign bits 
         if(i == pdIn.length - 1) {    // last digit? 
            int digit = aByte >> 4;    // First get digit 
            val = val*10 + digit; 
//            System.out.println("digit=" + digit + ", val=" + val); 
            int sign = aByte & GetLONibble;  // now get sign 
            if (sign == MinusSign) 
               val = -val; 
            else { 
               // Do we care if there is an invalid sign? 
               if(sign != PlusSign && sign != NoSign) 
                  throw new Exception("OC7"); 
         }else { 
            int digit = aByte >> 4;    // HO first    
            val = val*10 + digit; 
//            System.out.println("digit=" + digit + ", val=" + val); 
            digit = aByte & GetLONibble;      // now LO 
            val = val*10 + digit; 
//            System.out.println("digit=" + digit + ", val=" + val); 
      } // end for(i) 
return val; 
} // end parse() 
   // Convert String of numberic characters to packedDecimal in byte[] 
   public static byte[] pack(String nbrs)throws Exception { 
      int digit = PlusSign;            // default if no sign 
      int startAt = 0; 
      // Test if HO char is a sign 
      if(nbrs.startsWith("+") || nbrs.startsWith("-")) { 
         digit = ( nbrs.startsWith("+") ? PlusSign : MinusSign); 
         startAt = 1; 
      byte[] chars = nbrs.getBytes();  // Move input into an array 
      byte[] packed = new byte[(nbrs.length()-startAt)/2+1]; 
      int inIdx = chars.length - 1;          // index of end   
      int outIdx = packed.length - 1; 
      // Now get digit to go with sign 
      int temp = (chars[inIdx--] & GetLONibble) << 4;             // Move LO digit to HO 
      digit = digit | temp; 
      packed[outIdx--] = (byte)(digit & DropHO); 
//      System.out.println("LO=" + Integer.toHexString(digit) + ", outIdx=" + outIdx);  //LO=2c OK  
      for(; outIdx >= 0; outIdx--) { 
         if(inIdx < 0)  break; 
         if(chars[inIdx] < '0' || chars[inIdx] > '9')   // must be between 0 & 9 
            throw new Exception("Not numberic data: " + nbrs + " at " + inIdx); 
         digit = chars[inIdx--] & GetLONibble; 
         if(inIdx >= 0) { 
            temp = (chars[inIdx--] & GetLONibble) << 4; // get digit for HO 
            digit = digit | temp; 
//         System.out.println("nxt=" + Integer.toHexString(digit) + ", outIdx=" + outIdx + ", inIdx=" + inIdx); 
         packed[outIdx] = (byte) digit; 
      } // end for(outIdx) thru digits 
//      System.out.println("packed=" + bytesToHex(packed) + ", len=" + packed.length); 
      return packed; 
   } // end pack() 
   // Convert bytes to hex 2-pules with blank spacer in String 
   static String bytesToHex(byte[] buf) { 
      final String HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; 
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer((buf.length/2)*5+3); 
      for(int i=0; i < buf.length; i++ ) { 
         byte b = buf[i]; 
         b = (byte)(b >> 4);     // Hit to bottom 
         b = (byte)(b & 0x0F);   // get HI byte 
         b = buf[i];             // refresh 
         b = (byte)(b & 0x0F);   // get LOW byte 
         if(i % 2 == 1) 
            sb.append(' '); 
      return sb.toString(); 
   } // end bytesToHex() 
   // Test the above 
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
byte[] pd = new byte[] {0x19, 0x2C};             // 192
      pd = new byte[] {(byte)0x98, 0x44, 0x32, 0x3D};  //-9844323
      pd = new byte[] {(byte)0x98, 0x44, 0x32};  //invalid sign
      // Now test pack 
      String nbr1 = "-12345"; 
      byte[] packed = PackedDecimal.pack(nbr1); 
      System.out.println("packed=" + bytesToHex(packed)); 
      System.out.println(PackedDecimal.parse(packed)); //-12345 
} // end main() 
} // end class 

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