Today I have to add some notifications about the status of specific sql server agent jobs, specially if the job fail and been a lazy programmer I create some metadata tables with specific messages and jobs, but I still want to share the core code used to send this message. Because this is set on a ssis sql task we only care to see a message if the job fails so, top 50 should be enough history to know something is wrong :-) .
declare @sqlcmd varchar(2000) = 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted;
set nocount on; declare @today varchar(8) = convert (varchar(8),getdate(),112)
SELECT top 50 JobName ,
h.step_name StepName ,
CONVERT(CHAR(10), CAST(STR(h.run_date, 8, 0) AS DATETIME), 111) RunDate ,
STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT(''000000'' + CAST (h.run_time AS VARCHAR(6)), 6), 5, 0,
'':''), 3, 0, '':'') RunTime ,
h.run_duration StepDuration ,
CASE h.run_status
WHEN 0 THEN ''failed''
WHEN 1 THEN ''Succeded''
WHEN 2 THEN ''Retry''
WHEN 3 THEN ''Cancelled''
WHEN 4 THEN ''In Progress''
END AS ExecutionStatus ,
h.message MessageGenerated
FROM sysjobhistory h
INNER JOIN sysjobs j ON j.job_id = h.job_id
where = ''Job_name Here''
and h.run_status in(1,0,3) and h.run_date >= @today
ORDER BY h.instance_id desc',
@today varchar(50) = 'NameOfAttachFileHere';
set @today = @today+'_'+ replace (replace(replace(convert( varchar(25),
' ',
'') +'.csv';
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = 'EmailRecipientsHere',
@body= 'EmailBodyHere',
@execute_query_database = 'msdb',
@query = @sqlcmd,
@subject = 'Subject Alert Here',
@attach_query_result_as_file = 1,
@query_result_separator = ',
@query_result_no_padding = 1,
@query_attachment_filename = @today;